
Worship Ministries

Our volunteers are a very important part of our Worship. This page explains the roles you will see before, during, and after the service. If one of these opportunities calls to you,


Greeters & Ushers

For many, our greeters and ushers are the first to meet you when you arrive at St. John’s.  They offer a warm welcome to all who come for worship. They distribute the service bulletin, assist with finding seats, process the offering and provide direction for the laying on of hands and the Holy Communion during the service.


Lectors & Chalice Bearers

Our Lectors and Chalice Bearers have two roles. First, they share in the reading of the lessons and in leading the public Prayers of the People. During the communion they also serve as chalice bearers, offering the consecrated wine to those wishing to receive.


Altar Guild

Our Altar Guild is staffed by volunteers who work in teams. These women and men set up the sanctuary for services and clean up at their conclusion.  These teams find the work they share to be a special time of warm fellowship and pride in caring for this part of our parish life.



Acolytes assist in the service by lighting the service candles, carrying the processional cross, and assisting the clergy at the altar at each service.


Intercessors & Anointing

Our Intercessors work with the clergy at each service to offer personal prayers and laying on of hands with oil of anointing, an ancient rite for healing and renewal.


Lay Pastoral Care Visitors

Licensed by the diocese, these parishioners take communion from the service to those who are ill or shut-in at home.

Women’s Ministry

Daughters of the King - Light of Zion Chapter
Daughters of the King - Light of Zion Chapter

Daughters of the King

Daughters of the King (DOK) is a religious order for women in the Episcopal Church and a lifetime commitment. The order focuses on Prayer and Service. St. John’s Chapter of DOK is Light of Zion.

Episcopal Church Women

All women of St. John’s are members of the Episcopal Church Women which supports women’s ministry and children’s programs that feed, educate, and provides community grants around the world through the United Thank Offering.

Men’s Ministry

Men’s Fellowship Group

The mission of the Men’s Fellowship Group is to encourage and equip the men of St. John’s Episcopal Church to grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The Men’s Group meets weekly for prayer and devotion, participates in worship and fellowship, and strives to proclaim the gospel in word and action.

Men's Ministry

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry reflects and supports the liturgy at St. John’s.

It also encourages the diverse musical gifts of parishioners in praising God and enhancing the worship experience.  The choir sings regularly from September through June. Parishioners perform special musical selections during the Sunday worship, at Christmas, Easter and on other special occasions.

Donald White, Percussionist
Donald White, Percussionist
Ian Johnson, trumpeter
Ian Johnson, trumpeter
Lana Krawczel, Hammered Dulcimer
Lana Krawczel, Hammered Dulcimer
Melissa J. Sites serves as cantor
Melissa J. Sites serves as cantor

The Saint John’s Men’s Ensemble

Virginia State University Choir


We invite the entire St. John’s family to join online in a time of fun and laughter.