
Weddings at St. John’s Church are primarily performed for members of the parish . Non members are welcomed to be married at St. John’s, if at least one person of the couple is in the process of becoming a member . This process includes joining and faithfully attend ing church services at St. John’s for six months prior to the scheduling of their wedding.
St. John’s should be the congregation that you consider “home” because the Blessing of a Marriage is a community celebration. In marriage, two people make a commitment to each other and before God and the church community makes a commitment to uphold these two people in their life together . Consequently, for t he congregation of St. John’s to make that commitment for you in good faith means , we need to be in relationship with you.
"I Am The Resurrection and The Life. He Who Believes In Me Will Live, Even Though He Dies; And Whoever Lives And Believes In Me Will Never Die."
John 11:25-26
If you are reading this for the first time during a time of grave illness or loss, please accept our sympathy and know that we extend our prayers to you and your family during this time of grief. We promise to do all that we can to help you in the love and spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ as you plan a funeral service. For more information about a funeral for church member or non - church member, p lease contact the church office at 301.937.429
We are here to assist you and your family in your time of need.
Our clergy will support you pastorally, help you with decisions, and advise you on preparations for the funeral service.